
Weight Watcher Clinics


We are passionate about helping our four-legged friends stay fit and well, and keeping to their ideal weight is a very important part of this. The nurses really enjoy seeing an owner’s hard work and efforts pay off. The biggest sense of satisfaction is seeing an owner’s joy when the scales hit the final goal weight as well as knowing we have helped an animal feel fitter and livelier again.

We are keen to stress that we are here to support and help you help your pet. People often feel we are going to get cross or lecture on what bad owners they have been! This really is not the case. We know that the pets that need to see us are very well loved family members and that, as with many of us, we have used food to show that love. This, along with a relatively sedate lifestyle that our pets often lead these days, eventually causes the weight problems we see.

So we work very hard to provide a well-balanced diet plan to suit your pet’s needs, which will be easy to follow for you. We will also try very hard not to deny your pet all treats but adjustments to the amounts and types of treats are usually needed. We also believe in offering the best dietary advice for your pet we can, so while we will always try and work out a plan that involves what you are currently feeding there are times where we need to look at changing your pet’s diet. These are all things we discuss on a one-to-one appointment basis.

There is no charge for these appointments and there will be quite a few needed (some pets will take up to a year to lose the weight) but we do offer weight watcher packs for the one-off price of £5.

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